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All ACT Rules

Rules for WCAG 2

The ACT Rules in this section directly relate to WCAG 2 success criteria. These rules have been approved by the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. They are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.

Proposed Rules for WCAG 2

The ACT Rules in this section directly relate to WCAG 2 success criteria. These rules will be considered for approval once they are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.

Rules beyond WCAG

The ACT Rules below do not directly relate to WCAG success criteria. They relate to other accessibility guidance such as WAI-ARIA or Techniques for WCAG 2 . These rules will be considered for approval once they are fully implemented in at least one test tool or methodology.

Deprecated ACT Rules

The ACT Rules below are deprecated and are no longer maintained. For details on why a rule was deprecated see the “Deprecated” section at the top of the rule.

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at